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Relationship Support


Our Relationships to life is established in our formative years. Events in our childhood and in personal relationships shape our mind and our emotions.  We bring understanding to the images that shape our thoughts and reactions to life.


High Profile & Ceo's are most vulnerable because they rely on ill equipped people to act as their filter.


High Profile & CEO Client Support Services we understand that today you deal with complexities and demands in career, social media, temptations and the spotlight on every aspect of your life. Your team, your family and relationships under more pressure than ever before.


We understand the numerous demands made upon you from all directions. Whether you are a public figure or CEO of your company, or you just wish to keep your search for a better life private, we are here to provide the necessary support and nurturing &, when required; we also provide necessary training for your family or key personnel so they are better equipped to support you better in your new lifestyle design.

In your position life is constantly demanding your time, support and attention. Sadly this leaves very little space just for you. This is also recommended for sporting entities.

We do not need more rules and regulations - we need to develop greater awareness.

"Your body when under pressure can affect emotional mental and spiritual imbalances that can lead to oversight in most significant areas of your life."

Many of our sporting personalities due to pressures of the game and spotlight on their personal relationships end up in the media for their inappropriate behavior. Many losing their sponsors or their positions on the team. Relationships fall apart. Many contracts are being terminated or paid out. High price to pay for a moment of inattention.

Developing awareness is part or our High Profile & CEO Client Support Services.


We look to prepare for you our specialised skills and experience. Here every detail is all about you and the aspects of you that have been re-arranged through stress.

How to recognise genuine connection - the secret is in how you respond how you receive
A Couple's Relationship story wrap up.

This is a wrap-up talk with a very concerned husband who has been trying to help his wife, the help she desperately needs.


I'm actually packing up, sorting and reorganizing ready for my trip home after a day with this couple. He is sharing his struggles he's had and how this session turned things around for them both.


Some background noise but we wanted to make the most of every moment that I had available. He talked about how much this progress means to him.


In our conversation, we review what worked and why that worked.


Neil called in desperation.


For five years he's been seeking solutions for their marriage problems.


In the last twelve months Anita has gone along. But til now has been no progress. She is suffering from deep dark fear that she protects.


Don't let your relationships reach this level of disconnection.


Before your relationship begins to drift is a great time to begin.


However it is never too late to change from separation to Bliss.


Turn on your life force


Beneath the surface of every relationship I've come across is fear or revealing all aspects of yourself. Primarily because most individuals do not know that level of inner connection.


As an individual, you have been divided through conditioning.


Conditioning is judgement of aspects of you that are seeking to fill the gap of missing space.


When you are being moulded into aspects of society that you are told are your world, there is always some self doubt.


Self doubt surfaces when you have to suppress a part of you.

What is suppressed then seeks a way to express itself. The inner battle begins.


Inner conflict is evident in a person who is confined by external rules.


This leaves you vulnerable to making inappropriate decisions.


When only part of you is present, only part of you can see. Like poor vision.


But when you can get a clearer view - you can see more of the picture. It is the same in inner personal awareness.


Normal upbringing rarely allows for inner expression that connect to the world around you.

Relationships depend on ability to communicate your needs and most of all receive that as a precious gift when that need is being met.

Receiving gracefully and gratefully is a skill that needs to be developed. This makes the quality of communication.

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